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Introducing Sangoma TeamHub for CommUnity

Introducing Sangoma TeamHub for CommUnity


Sangoma Blog

The Allure of Integrated Cloud Communications: Part 3

The Allure of Integrated Cloud Communications: Part 3

If you’re using all kinds of Unified Communication tools, how do you handle all of this confusion about what to use? One way to handle it is to go with a vendor that offers all of these. Teams for instance. But Teams is expensive. And Teams comes with other cons as well, not to mention do you want to really have your business voice communications be dependent on Microsoft or anyone who is not fully focused on this?

Customers want to make appointments or order something or whatever. Calling is efficient, so they call, or maybe use a self-service portal and maybe text. And that’s why a company with a focus on inter-company communications (like Teams) or has a sole focus on video meetings or video calling, or just voice meetings or voice calling, won’t be able to service a small or medium business. The interaction with the outside world is critical. A Unified Communication system, which knows how to handle phone numbers, and texting, and all kinds of call control as is found in a “PBX” is required.

Okay, so Teams isn’t right for your company, but what other options are there? Your company could start with a Unified Communications company, but many of them just utilize Zoom, or Slack, or Yealink phones, anyway. So, you get the same hodgepodge, albeit with a single point of sale and support. The hodgepodge results in the same issues of non-interoperability, and not being able to context switch from voice calling, to video calling, to collaboration easily.

And what about just the password issues. You have a sheet of passwords and when they expire is now ginormous. Password fatigue is a real thing. Now, identity management and single sign on software from an IT department can help, but that also comes with its own challenges that the IT department must manage.

A Unified Communication platform, able to manage true multi-modal communications, with control of the UC, video, voice, collaboration and fax technology is required. Welcome to Sangoma. We develop our own phones, our own video conferencing, our own collaboration, our own UC. Going back to last weeks’ blog, you can see that Sangoma can manage a seamless experience across all the different types of communication methods, because we develop them all, and ensure they work with each, and have easy to use look and feels.

So, let’s get back to Val as a user of a Sangoma UC system. Val uses Sangoma TeamHub to start an IM with a colleague but decides to call the person. She just clicks on the call icon and goes to a call. Then they want to video share some document, so just click on the video meeting icon to discuss an issue. Then when Val needs to call the partner or customer with the resolution to the issue, she just clicks from the same app. It’s all so seamless. Same look and feel. Easy for Val. And easy for the IT Department.

Now, this can happen whether on Val’s desktop or Val’s smartphone. Her physical deskphone, given it has a screen, can also be tied deeply into the scenarios just described above. And given Sangoma drives the deskphone firmware, we can have these deep integrations and enable the deskphone, desktop and mobile client experience to be seamless.

Our business at Sangoma, is to enable your business to grow. We have the right tools at the right price.

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